I joined a team of six in January to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, the world’s tallest free standing mountain with the goal of not only summiting but also finding a little freedom and perspective along way. I was along for the ride to film a little story about my dad’s non-profit American300’s latest project: Purple Heart Summits. An effort the non profit is making to continue its mentoring efforts to support combat wounded veterans reach the summit of some of the world’s most renowned free standing mountains. It was an amazing and rewarding experience, the altitude kicked my but far more than i expected but I was surprised by how well my gut behaved. The biodiversity on the mountain was the most unique I've ever photographed and the Tanzanian guides and porters on our team have hearts of gold and I am so grateful for our brief moments of friendship.
Alexandra Roberts was part of the team and volunteered her photography gift to the project which means that I got more behind the scenes photos of myself than I ever have on a trip like this. I just wanted to share a few to give a look behind the scenes at the film.